The contractor will notify you before replacement. If sidewalks are marked for replacement in your driveway, you may lose access for a brief period.If your parcel has a sprinkler system, please advise this office at (248) 542-0340 prior to construction and mark the sprinkler heads.If payments are not paid by the due date on your invoice, charges will be assessed onto your taxes.Payments will be made to the City of Hazel Park at the Treasurers Department in City Hall (24).Lump sum payments will be discounted five (5%) percent. You may pay the assessment in a lump sum or divide the payment quarterly.If the City’s contractor does the work, you will be assessed and sent an invoice with the final amount you will be charged.PAYMENT FOR CITY CONTRACTOR DOING THE REPLACEMENT: Otherwise after 30 days the City’s Contractor will perform the work.Permit and inspection fees will be waived by the city. A right of way permit, inspection and a declaration of insurance covering any damage to right of way is required with the Building Department (24) prior to the pour. If you or your contractor do the replacement, all work and materials must meet the City’s sidewalk specifications. You may either elect to replace the walk yourself or hire a contractor.*If sidewalks are marked for replacement because a tree has made them unsafe the City will be paying the cost for root grinding and the cost of sidewalk replacement will be charged to the property owner. Any other non-typical situation that the inspector identifies as a hazard that may cause a potential risk to the user of the sidewalk.

Sidewalk flag has transverse slope exceeding 5.0% (3 inches in 5 feet).Ħ.

The sidewalk has settled or raised excessively causing water to pond on the surface to a depth exceeding ¼ inch.ĥ. The sidewalk surface has deteriorated or spalled over 50% of the area of a single flag or has removed more than ½ inch of the original concrete thickness.Ĥ.
Sidewalk flag is cracked into four (4) or more pieces with no single piece being larger than one-half the original sidewalk flag or where any single piece has moved causing a crack exceeding ½ inch in width.ģ. Vertical displacement to an adjacent flag of sidewalk exceeds ½ inch.Ģ. Sidewalk replacement criteria: (At the discretion of the inspector)ġ. Sidewalks marked with pink dot(s) must be replaced. If you would like to review the entire ordinance please visit the city ordinance page or contact the DPW.
For the safety and evolution of the community, the city has decided to reinstate a Sidewalk Replacement Program that has not been utilized since the 1980’s.ġ2.04.030 Unsafe condition unlawful: It is unlawful for any person to cause or permit any sidewalk adjoining his or her premises to fall into a state of disrepair or to become unsafe for pedestrian travel.ġ2.04.040 Unsafe sidewalk repair-Notice: Whenever it becomes necessary for the city to build, rebuild or repair any sidewalk, or cause the same to be done on any separate or single lot in the city, after the notice, as required in Section 12.04.040, the city manager shall report to the council the total cost for such improvement and the council shall, without further notice, establish a special assessment district for the same and authorize the levying of a tax against the premises benefitted by such improvement, payable forthwith, plus interest at the rate of six percent, provided the same is not paid within thirty (30) days after the approval of such assessment roll. The City of Hazel Park has received several concerns regarding the condition of sidewalks in the community over the past few years. The City of Hazel Park has recently started a Sidewalk Replacement Program. ( please see the map to determine the sections).